Anthony Mc Cann

The Irish Fly Fair - Killyhevlin Hotel, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh
18th & 19th November 2023


Anthony McCann at The Irish Fly Fair
My name is Anthony Mc Cann and I’m delighted to be tying at my first Irish Fly Fair. I began flyfishing for Trout from a young age and in more recent years I've took up Salmon angling. I‘ve been tying Salmon flies now for around 3 years. My flies have accounted for fish on many Irish and Scottish rivers. This year my flies have also caught fish from rivers in Norway, Canada and Alaska.

I live in Belfast, Co. Antrim and I travel regularly to fish Donegal rivers such as the Drowse and Finn. You'll also find me on the banks of the Mourne and Strule whenever I can get away for a few hours.

I'm looking forward to seeing you at the Irish Fly Fair where I will be tying Irish Shrimp patterns and other popular Salmon patterns. This year I joined the AHREX Hooks Pro team and soon after became a Pro tyer for VEEVUS materials. I will be using quality products from these companies at the Fly fair and showing how great they are.

I’m active on social media, if you wish to see my work, check me out on:
Facebook: Anthony Mc Cann Salmon Flies
Instagram: Irishsalmonflies
YouTube: Irishsalmonflies


Sponsoirs of the IFF 2023 at The Irish Fly Fair